Between 27 and 30 August Glasgow University held the 15th Biennial Meeting of the Society for Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits in Glasgow, which for the first time had a room dedicated to “The changing face of metal extraction – geology, biology and geometallurgy”. The big attendance to this conference room from the geological community was exceptional and it also has the attendance of some of the SULTAN team members from WP1: Jorge Relvas and Alexandra Escobar (ESR1), Philippe Muchez, Max Frenzel, Jens Gutzmer and Rosie Blanin (ESR3). Topics as mining waste, geometallurgy, acid mine drainage and tailings management were protagonist during this session with interesting contributions to our research program.
ETN SULTAN team in Glasgow. Left to right: Jens Gutzmer (HZDR), Rosie Blannin (HZDR, SULTAN ESR3), Philippe Muchez (KU Leuven), Max Frenzel (HZDR), Alexandra Gomez Escobar (FCiencias, ESR1), Jorge Relvas (FCiencias).

SULTAN team in Glasgow