Founded in 1765 the TU Bergakademie Freiberg is the oldest resource university in the world. Mainly focused on the processing, refining and recycling of raw materials, it follows the guiding principle of sustainability, taking into account economic, environmental and social aspects. The TU Bergakademie Freiberg contributes three of its core competences to the SULTAN project. The first competence is deep knowledge of the primary ore deposits that sourced the ores contributing to the tailings storage facilities to be studied in this ETN. The second strength is sound understanding of the concepts of geometallurgy, i.e. a holistic and interdisciplinary approach to primary resource utilisation. Thirdly, TU BAF offers excellent understanding of the HSC software package to model resource value chains, its opportunities and limitations, as well as its link to the GABI software that is used to conduct sustainability assessments. In SULTAN TU BAF links up with HZDR to provide its Doctoral School Programme.