FCiências.ID – Associação para a Investigação e Desenvolvimento de Ciências, is a Non-Profit Private Association, endowed with legal personality. It was created in 2017 as an common initiative of Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa (FCUL) – a Higher Education institution – and 6 private companies, in order to support, potentiate and develop Research and Development (R&D) and innovation activities of its seven associates, while, simultaneously enhancing FCUL strategic partnerships with market and services companies, therefore creating a more challenging environment for research and innovation. FCiências.ID is the legal representative of 20 research centres, in the fields of Mathematics, Statistics and Operational Research, Physics, Space and Astrophysics, Chemistry and Biochemistry, Geology, Geophysics, Biology, Computer Science and Informatics and Philosophy and History of Sciences. FCiências.ID responsibilities are related to the administrative, financial and scientific management of the research centres R&D projects, and also to performing research work. Many of these R&D activities are developed together with international teams and are funded both at National and European levels. The research unit Instituto Dom Luíz – IDL is a FCUL-based Associate Laboratory, focused on quantitative Earth Science research, combining analytical studies, data analysis, observational activities and modelling, relevant for Atmospheric, Ocean and Solid Earth processes, and Renewable Energy applications. As an integrated Earth System Science institute, IDL supports cross-discipline interactions, most relevant for the understanding of Earth processes driven by the interaction of different Earth components. In SULTAN IDL brings in its unique geological knowledge. FCUL, the High Education Institution assuring the degrees award, acts as a third party in those R&D projects based on a scientific agreement in force since the FC.ID establishment. The third party carries out part of the work directly and FC.ID is responsible for part of the scientific and technical work as well.